Sunday, December 13, 2009

World Famous?

I am signing a contract for Turkish editions of Blood and Chocolate and The Silver Kiss. Who would have ever guessed?

That's Turkish Delight up top in case you didn't know. It always reminds me of The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe. I borrowed the picture from The Tum Tum Tree which has an amusing short post on making this candy.

The country Turkey looks like this:

There's going to be a German edition of Blood and Chocolate, too.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009


I’ve been made aware that there are a number of websites out there that are selling old editions of The Silver Kiss but say the book contains the two new stories. Only the new edition, published this year, has the two stories. Sometimes a site even has the new book cover displayed. I don’t know how I can stop this--I could go crazy trying to correct every mistake on the Web--but I just wanted to warn you to pay close attention if you buy The Silver Kiss online, hoping to get the book with the added short stories. If you want the new edition with the two short stories, even if a website shows a cover like the one below, check the ISBN number listed. The new edition has these ISBN numbers:

ISBN-10: 0375857826

ISBN-13: 978-0375857829

The new edition is a large size paperback and should have a 2009 date. There are no hardcover new editions out there or ebooks with the new stories. Be alert.

Okay, I’ll turn off the air raid siren now. *grin*

Friday, July 3, 2009

See You at ALA?

I'll be at the American Library Association annual conference in Chicago next weekend, so if you are there, I hope I see you. I'll be the one running around waving my copies of Sideshow and the new edition of The Silver Kiss with BONUS SHORT STORIES. *grin*

I'll be attending the Margaret Edwards Award lunch on Saturday and the Printz Awards on Monday night. You might also catch me sneaking in to listen to the Newbery/Caldecott award speeches after a riotous dinner with fellow authors, lurking in the exhibits hall, or cadging drinks at various publisher's parties. Oh, yes, I may very well actually attend some real live educational events, too, with my librarian hat on. No, that's an invisible hat--don't go looking for it. LOL I do have some librarian jewelry, though, thanks to my husband. Who knew that there were Library Club charms? I didn't.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Before There Was Twilight...

There was

New edition
coming in July, with two bonus short stories about Simon and Zoë, one of which has never been published before.

Tuesday, March 24, 2009

Monday, March 9, 2009

I'll be at ConBust Again This Year

ConBust is a Science Fiction convention at Smith College in Northampton, Massachusetts. I'll be there on Friday, March 27 and Saturday March 28.

"What sets ConBust apart from most other sci-fi, fantasy, anime, and/or gaming conventions is its focus on the female members of the participating community. While the various realms of geekdom remain stereotypically male-dominated, ConBust is held to celebrate the work of women amongst these genres"

Monday, January 19, 2009

New Story Out Next Summer

I'd like to share the cover of an anthology from Candlewick Press that I will have a story published in next July. The collection is called Sideshow: Ten Original Tales of Freaks, Illusionists, and Other Matters Odd and Magical, and my story is entitled "The Mummy's Daughter."

As you can see, I'm in good company.